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Re: binary_search, lower_bound and upper_bound inlining

Dimitris Xochellis wrote:

we can definitely mark inline binary_search, very tiny, but frankly, for general use lower_bound and upper_bound seem too big and we risk a bad code bloat.

I suspected so :( That's life anyway...

Well, if you can provide unbiased, compelling evidence that code bloat isn't too big...

In general, anyway, you should refer to the gcc manual, there are various knobs you can turn in order to change the behavior of the inliner (-finline-limit=...)

I found nothing appropriate in the manual. (-finline-limit works for functions that are explicitly marked as inline)

That's sad. You should tell all the people, the compiler people too not only the library developers: either the options are too hard to find or wrongly missing. Can you send a message to


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