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Re: [Patch] libstdc++/14493

Hi Howard,

ABI concerns? Say a client that derived from bad_alloc and overloaded what()? Wouldn't his what() get corrupted (call the wrong what())? Other than that (and hope I'm wrong) I like this change.

thanks for asking, better be safe, this PR remained open so much time...

Anyway, are you considering a situation like compiling the following with a previous compiler:

#include <new>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>

struct my_bad_alloc
: std::bad_alloc
 virtual const char*
 what() const throw()
 { return "my_bad_alloc"; }

int main()
 my_bad_alloc mba;
 assert( !strcmp(mba.what(), "my_bad_alloc") );

and running it (linking it) vs the new .so? It runs fine.


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