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[libstdcxx_so_7-branch] merge debug mode

This merges the following patches to libstdcxx_so_7-branch.

Most of this is pretty straightforward. 

While testing this, I noticed some issues with the current
_GLIBCXX_STD_MOVE related code in debug mode, regardless of symbol
versioning strategy. (Is this vestigial from when debug mode was not
nested?) For the time being, I am going to punt on this, as I have a
couple other patches to go. I attach the current fails for both, which
are the same. Since this stuff is not on mainline, I am not quite sure
it's been tested in debug mode, and I forgot to make debug mode
baselines before I started with this stuff.  So, I'll return to this
issue shortly.

FAIL: 20_util/utility/pair/ execution test
FAIL: 21_strings/basic_string/element_access/char/ execution test
FAIL: 21_strings/basic_string/element_access/wchar_t/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/deque/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/deque/resize/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/list/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/map/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/multimap/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/multiset/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/set/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/vector/ execution test
FAIL: 23_containers/vector/resize/ execution test



tested x86/linux --enable-symvers=gnu
tested x86/linux --enable-symvers=gnu-versioned-namespace
tested x86/linux --enable-symvers=gnu -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG
tested x86/linux --enable-symvers=gnu-versioned-namespace -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG

2006-02-22  Paolo Carlini  <>

	* include/debug/list (splice): Remove splice_alloc check, redundant
	after implementing the splice bits of N1599.

2006-02-21  Benjamin Kosnik  <>

	* include/c_std/cmath.tcc: Use _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE,

2006-02-21  Benjamin Kosnik  <>

	* include/bits/c++config: Simplify debug namespaces.
	* include/ext/hash_set: Specialize insert_iterator after norm,
	debug containers have been (optionally) declared. Use nested
	* include/ext/hash_map: Same.
	* include/debug/hash_map.h (insert): Add specialization for value
	pointer types.
	* include/debug/hash_set.h (insert): Same.
	* include/debug/hash_multimap.h: Change __gnu_debug_def to __debug.
	* include/debug/set.h: Same.
	* include/debug/bitset: Same.
	* include/debug/multiset.h: Same.
	* include/debug/hash_multiset.h: Same.
	* include/debug/vector: Same.
	* include/debug/map.h: Same.
	* include/debug/deque: Same.
	* include/debug/list: Same.
	* include/debug/multimap.h. Same.
	* include/debug/macros.h: Use __gnu_debug.
	* include/debug/debug.h: Same.
	* include/debug/formatter.h: Same.
	* include/debug/safe_sequence.h: Same.
	* include/debug/functions.h: Same.
	* include/debug/safe_base.h: Same.
	* include/debug/safe_iterator.h: Same.
	* include/debug/safe_iterator.tcc: Same.
	(_M_invalidate): Adjust compare order.
	* include/debug/string: Change std::__gnu_debug to __gnu_debug.
	* include/ext/hashtable.h: Formatting fixes.
	* include/bits/stl_map.h: Formatting fixes.		
	* src/ Adjust compatibility symbols for old debug
	mode model.	
	* src/ Tweak.
	* src/ Adjust namespaces.
	* docs/html/debug_mode.html: Adjust namespace names.
	* testsuite/25_algorithms/heap/ Restore _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
	macro guards, as count values differ when in debug mode.	
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/ Move to...
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/ ... here.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/ Add.

	* include/ext/pb_assoc/detail/standard_policies.hpp
	(PB_ASSOC_HASH_NAMESPACE): Remove, use __gnu_cxx::hash_map and

	* (libtool_VERSION): To 6:8:0.
	* configure: Regenerate.
	* config/abi/pre/gnu.ver: Revert to exporting __gnu_debug symbols.
	(GLIBCXX_3.4.8): New.
	* testsuite/ Add GLIBCXX_3.4.8 to known versions.

2006-02-08  Benjamin Kosnik  <>

	PR libstdc++/26142
	* include/debug/debug.h: Move debug alias inside namespace std,
	same with namespace __gnu_cxx. Add top-level __gnu_debug
	* include/debug/hash_multimap.h: Nest within __gnu_cxx, not
	std. Also, change nesting namespace name from __gnu_debug_def to
	* include/debug/hash_map.h: Same.
	* include/debug/hash_multiset.h: Same.
	* include/debug/hash_set.h: Same.
	* docs/html/debug.html: Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/ New.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/invalidation/  Correct
	qualifications for debug namespace change.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/deque/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/deque/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/deque/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/deque/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/multiset/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/multiset/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/multimap/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/multimap/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/bitset/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/bitset/cons/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/bitset/operations/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/set/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/set/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/map/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/map/invalidation/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/map/modifiers/insert/ Same.
	* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/ Same.

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