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Re: Static variables in template functions

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 16:48:41 -0700, Mark Mitchell <> wrote:

> I'm proposing that on platforms without weak symbols we perform all
> initializations of function-scoped static data dynamically, thereby
> implementing the semantics required by the standard, even though it is
> sub-optimal in terms of performance.
> If I understand correctly, your position is that we should instead,
> continue to have the current behavior (generate incorrect code, with a
> warning), except that we should avoid issuing the warning in the case of a
> const, non-addressed variable, as in that case the code we generate is in
> fact correct.
> Do I have it right?

That sounds about right.  A compromise which I would support would be to
always initialize non-const variables dynamically, but const variables
statically, and warn if the const variables are addressable.


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