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Re: [patch] Make std::tr1::shared_ptr thread-safe.

Peter Dimov wrote:

> If that's going to be of any help, I'm planning to use Whitehead/(1)
> in Boost on libstdc++ pre-4, and whatever you decide to use for 4 and up.
> Thank you for reading this far. ;-)

Thank you for your patience and willingness to explain. I was completely
missing that there are two different issues, my bad, and only *one* can
be dealt with via compare_and_swap, the other needs anyway plain locks.

All in all, given the very delicate points at issue I don't feel like
bringing in, so close to the release of 4.0.0, the compare_and_swap code
and the additional complexity and configury problems (+ testing that
everything behaves as expected on all the targets!!). Do you, Gaby?
Please, let's try to provide a decent implementation, let's ask Jonathan
to prepare (1) for 4.0.0, then we can discuss further improvements in a
second moment, when this code will settle a bit.


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