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Forward declaring standard library classes

With regards earlier emails, I am now attempting to optimise sort to be more efficent when classes with an efficent swap are in use. Early results are impressive :)

However, my problem now is that I need to have some class which I specialise to decide when I should use the more efficent versions. My early version looks something like:

template<typename _Tp>
   struct _UseSwap
   { enum{_M_type = 0};};

 template<typename _Tp>
   struct _UseSwap<std::vector<_Tp> >
   {enum{_M_type = 1};};


However, I don't want to pull in <vector>, <list>, <deque>, <map>, etc... so I forward declare these classes. However, the following doesn't compile:


namespace std
 template<typename _Tp>
 class allocator;
 template<class _Key, class _Compare = less<_Key>,
          class _Alloc = allocator<_Key> >
 class set;


complaining that I have redefined the default parameter to _Compare. It (unsuprisingly) doesn't work with my original version, where I also forward declare less.

At the moment I'm getting around this by simply including every standard container in stl_algo.h, but obviously this cannot continue. Any suggestions?

Sorry for possibly very stupid C++ programming question...


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