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Re: Patch: stl_vector.h and vector.tcc

On Jul 30, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:

Hi Dhruv! Sorry for the delay.

The file stl_type_traits.h needs to be copied to the include/bits folder
for the correct operation of this patch.

Ack! Not another one! We've already got two!

I think this might be an interesting place to start with this patch.

I think it makes more sense to make include/tr1/type_traits,
tr1/type_compare, tr1/type_transform. These includes would be modeled on
the proposed files in TR1. Also remove all the various other traits
bits we have now: bits/type_traits.h, bits/cpp_type_traits.h.

Matt can point you at the spec, but I think the most recent version of
this should be in N1518.

I agree, implementing std::tr1::type_traits woulid be a really great idea.
Other parts too. If we just set up the infrastructure, i.e. the directory
hierarchy and makefile, then various of us could implement individual
pieces. I'd like to put in hash tables, for example.

The most recent version of this is N1660, the version of the draft
TR that went out with the mid-meeting mailing a couple weeks ago.

There is one slight snag.  (Isn't there always?)  std::tr1:;type_traits
defines names like is_pod and is_empty.  We don't have the right
to use those names in standard headers like <vector> and
<algorithm>, for the usual reasons.

(Blue-sky idea: instead of continuing to worry about uglification,
maybe it would be easier to put in a compiler extension: the non-
polluting macro facilities that Bjarne has been pushing for the last
few years.)


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