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Re: [Lsb-wg] opposition to LSB 2.0 rc1

On Gwe, 2004-07-30 at 15:01, Michael Matz wrote:
> > That strikes me as funny to say the least. The ficticious kind of gcc
> > 3.3 ABI currently proposed also fails the published criteria
> Even if this is true, 3.4 has all the same problems, _additionally_ to not 
> being deployed widely.

In which case neither should be added to LSB 2.0. That is what the
criteria document is saying, quite clearly. 

> > It's time the LSB stops being a vendor lapdog and remembers that its
> > purpose is to standardise things in agreement with the community.
> Which community exactly?  There are different ones, with different wishes
> and goals.  There are at least three communities with incompatible goals
> (standardizing 3.3 vs. standardizing 3.4 vs. standardizing the current
> release).  One could only finally "solve" this by either not including C++
> at all in LSB (thus alienating _all_ communities), or including the union

The open source community that actually writes the stuff and decides
where it is going and what the technical best paths are would be a
starting point. The very people who write the stuff are saying "this
didn't work".

> There would be no point in that, as it already exists.  We _have_ a C++
> ABI defined, and a libstdc++ API.  

Which nothing yet fully implements and nobody in the mainstream open
source community with understanding of the issue believes has any

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