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Re: vector/deque/list derived allocator issue

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 23:54, B. Kosnik wrote:
> >Also, this includes the patch for stl_tree and cpp_type_traits.
> This bit failed testing. I've changed it to the following patch, which
> passes with no regressions.

I don't know which test case, but is it somethng like the attached file?

If so, then we can work out a method by making _M_impl mutable.

	-Dhruv Matani.

Proud to be a Vegetarian.
#include <map>

using namespace std;

template <typename Map_Type>
void do_test(typename Map_Type::key_compare _comp = typename Map_Type::key_compare())
  typename Map_Type::value_type temp[10];

  Map_Type _map(temp, temp+10, _comp);
  //  _map.insert(*temp);

  typename Map_Type::const_iterator i = _map.begin();

  i = _map.find(i->first);

bool less_int(int a, int b) { return a < b; }

int main()
  do_test<std::map<int, int> >();
  do_test<const std::map<int, int> >();
  do_test<const std::map<int, int, const std::less<int> > >();
  do_test<std::map<int, int, const std::less<int> > >();

  do_test<const std::map<int, int, typeof(&less_int) > >();
  do_test<std::map<int, int, typeof(&less_int) > >(less_int);

  do_test<const std::map<int, int, const typeof(&less_int) > >();
  do_test<std::map<int, int, const typeof(&less_int) > >(less_int);


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