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Re: default allocator, overriding @ runtime

>Some people want to use a different allocator (by default) for all of
>stl.  I'd still like to be able to turn it off at runtime.

Others have also indicated that this would be a useful feature.

>Is the best/only way to replace the default allocator to muck with 
>    libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_alloc.h
>And just change the code?

That's currently the only way to change the behavior of std::allocator.

Of course, the best (only?) way to specify an allocator for an STL
container is to specify the allocator as part of the STL container's
type. (There's a template parameter on these types just for this


The following comments are only applicable to mainline gcc.

I'd always assumed, based on the old allocator setup, that switching
allocators at runtime was a no-go.

However, now that I look at current mainline code, I think it's closer
but still impossible.

An advantage of the current derivation strategy is that std::allocator
uses the base allocator for all the non-trivial member functions. Thus,
allocate() becomes a uniquely-mangled call...

Take a look at this, in part from testsuite/ext/

#include <memory>

void check_allocator()
  using namespace std;
  typedef allocator<int> allocator_type;

  allocator_type a;
  allocator_type::pointer p = a.allocate(10);
  a.deallocate(p, 10);

int main()
  return 0;
} "-g -c -O0" ~/

%nm alloc_switch.o
         U __gxx_personality_v0
0000007c T main
         U _Unwind_Resume
00000000 T _Z15check_allocatorv
         U _ZdlPv
00000000 W _ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIiE10deallocateEPij
00000000 W _ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIiE8allocateEjPKv
00000000 W _ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIiEC2Ev
00000000 W _ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIiED2Ev
00000000 W _ZNSaIiEC1Ev   // problem
00000000 W _ZNSaIiED1Ev  // problem
         U _Znwj

So, the (only remaining?) problem is that the constructors and
destructors for std::allocator (weakly defined, assume for a moment that
non-weak systems don't exist) would change, depending on the base
external allocator.

Thus, multiple object files could not merge the weak ctor/dtor symbols,
as they'd be different. A show-stopper, to be sure.


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