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Re: Specializations of std::char_traits

Matt Austern <> writes:

|   (4) We should support this usage even in the absence of a change to the
|       standard.  Rationale: it was supported in 3.1.  I simply can't see
|       any way in which it's doing users a favor to take away something
|       that used to work for them and that still works on every other

We may use a suggestion made on the the LWG reflector:  define
char_traits as

   template<typename charT>
      struct char_traits : __gnu_cxx::char_traits<charT> { };

Users can specialize __gnu_cxx::char_traits<> at will on fundamental
types.  We may provide a definition for the primary template
__gnu_cxx::char_traits<>.  This we don't create the confusion that
users can specialize std::templates on fundamental types.

-- Gaby

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