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Re: [RFTesters] Make portable sgetn/1-in and 1-io tests

Nathan Myers wrote:

My experiments suggested that 8192 really is (still) optimal, among powers of 2, on a P3 at 1.4 GHz and a P2 at 300 MHz, for the case of _CharT=char. 8K was surprisingly better than 32K and 64K, and slightly better than 4K, a fact that must be connected to the size of L1 cache. I didn't try wchar_t.

Nonetheless, I wonder if the default buffer size for filebuf should be BUFSIZ/sizeof(_CharT), or 2K for wchar_t. It seems worth making the change until somebody does the measurements and tells us to change it.

I see, thanks.

Interestingly, it looks like many systems actually use BUFSIZ ~ 1024 or < 8192:


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