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Re: Help is needed

Hi Jon

Thanks for the help. Adding typename fix the erro
But I still has one

My .h is bellow  ( Point were error is i add an <--- Error


#if _MSC_VER > 1000
	#pragma warning( push, 3 ) // STL "requirements"
	#pragma warning (disable : 4284) //return type for
'identifier::operator >' is not a UDT or reference to a UDT. Will
produce errors if applied using infix notation
	#pragma warning (disable : 4018) //'expression' : signed/unsigned

#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

#include "ZipString.h"
#include "ZipExport.h"

template<class TYPE>
class CZipArray : private std::vector<TYPE>
     typedef typename std::vector<TYPE>::iterator  iterator;
	typedef std::vector<TYPE> inherited;
	iterator GetIterFromIndex(int uIndex)
		iterator iter = begin();
		iter += uIndex;
		//	int t = 0; while (t != uIndex) {iter++;t++;}
		return iter;
	void Sort(bool bAscending)
		if (bAscending)
			std::sort (begin (), end (), std::less<TYPE> ());
			std::sort (begin (), end (), std::greater<TYPE> ());
	int GetSize() const{return size();	}
	int GetUpperBound() const {return size() - 1;}
	int Add(const TYPE& x) {push_back(x);return GetUpperBound();}
	void RemoveAll() {clear();}
	void RemoveAt(int uIndex) { erase(GetIterFromIndex(uIndex));}
	void InsertAt(int uIndex, const TYPE&
x){insert(GetIterFromIndex(uIndex), x);}
#ifndef _MSC_VER
	TYPE& operator[](int iIndex)
		return inherited::operator[](iIndex);
	TYPE operator[](int iIndex) const
		return inherited::operator[](iIndex);
	using inherited::operator[];

typedef CZipArray<CZipString> CZipStringArray;
typedef CZipArray<WORD> CZipWordArray;

template<class TYPE>
class ZIP_API CZipPtrList : private std::list<TYPE>

    typedef typename std::list<TYPE>::iterator iterator;
	typedef typename std::list<TYPE>::const_iterator  const_iterator;
    int GetCount() const {return size();}
	void AddTail(const TYPE& x){push_back(x);}
	void AddHead(const TYPE& x){push_front(x);}
	void RemoveHead() {pop_front();}
	void RemoveTail() {pop_back();}
	void RemoveAll() {clear();}
	TYPE& GetHead() {return front();}
	TYPE GetHead() const {return front();}
	TYPE& GetTail() {return back();}
	TYPE GetTail() const {return back();}
	iterator GetHeadPosition() { return begin();}
	const_iterator GetHeadPosition() const { return begin();}
	iterator GetTailPosition() { return back();}
	TYPE& GetNext(iterator& pos) { return *pos++;}
	const TYPE GetNext(const_iterator& pos) const{ return *pos++;}
	TYPE& GetPrev(iterator& pos) { return *pos--;}
	TYPE GetPrev(iterator& pos) const{ return *pos--;}
	iterator Find(TYPE& x) { return std::find(begin(), end(), x);}
	void RemoveAt(iterator& pos) { erase(pos);}
	bool IteratorValid(const_iterator &iter) const
		return iter != end();
	bool IteratorValid(iterator &iter)
		return iter != end();
	iterator FindIndex(int iIndex)
		iterator iter = begin();
		int t = 0; while (t != iIndex) {iter++;t++;}
		return iter;
	const_iterator FindIndex(int iIndex) const
		const_iterator iter = begin();
		int t = 0; while (t != iIndex) {iter++;t++;}
		return iter;
	TYPE& GetAt(const iterator& pos) { return *pos;}
	TYPE GetAt(const_iterator& pos) const{ return *pos;}


// simplified and partial only
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
class ZIP_API CZipMap : private std::map<KEY, VALUE>
	void SetAt( KEY key, VALUE newValue)
		insert(std::map<KEY, VALUE>::value_type(key, newValue));
	BOOL RemoveKey( KEY key )
		return erase(key) != 0;
	BOOL Lookup( KEY key, VALUE& rValue ) const
		const_iterator  iter = find(key);   // <---- This give me an compiler
error,  but const_iterator is declared on this file also
		if (iter == end())
				return FALSE;
			rValue = iter->second;
			return TRUE;

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1100)
	#pragma warning( pop)


error returned from gcc is
In file included from ../../ZipCentralDir.h:37,
                 from ../../ZipArchive.h:90,
                 from ../../ZipArchive.cpp:19:
../../ZipCollections.h: In member function `BOOL CZipMap<KEY, 
   VALUE>::Lookup(KEY, VALUE&) const':
../../ZipCollections.h:148: warning: `typename CZipMap<KEY, 
   VALUE>::const_iterator' is implicitly a typename
../../ZipCollections.h:148: warning: implicit typename is deprecated,
   see the documentation for details
can you help, this is the only error preventing me to successfull
compilation of the module


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