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user-defined messages facet


i'm trying to use a user-defined messages facet that derives from std::messages, in the manner described in bjarne's book (D.4.7).  however, i'm having some difficulties, and the manual at didnt discuss using the messages facet this way.

i'm using the latest snapshot "gcc version 3.1 20020429 (prerelease)" on i686-pc-mingw32, Windows XP, MSYS 1.0.7.

Here is my test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <string>

class mymsgs : public std::messages<char> {
    explicit mymsgs(size_t = 0) {

    virtual catalog do_open(const std::basic_string<char> &name,
      const std::locale &loc) const {

      std::cout << "do_open: " << name << ", " << << '\n';

      return 2;

    virtual string_type do_get(catalog cat, int set, int msgid,
      const string_type &dfault) const {

      std::cout << "do_get: " << cat << ", " << set << ", " << msgid
        << ", " << dfault << '\n';

      return std::string("mystring");

    virtual void do_close(catalog cat) const {
      std::cout << "do_close: " << cat << '\n';

int main() {
  const std::messages<char> &msgfacet = std::use_facet<mymsgs>(std::locale());

  std::messages<char>::catalog cat ="myname"), std::locale());

  msgfacet.get(cat, 2, 3, std::string("mydefault"));


  try {
    const mymsgs &test = dynamic_cast<const mymsgs &>(msgfacet);

    std::cout << "ok\n";
  catch(...) {
    std::cout << "failed\n";

i invoke gcc with "g++ -Wall -W -ansi -pedantic -O0 -g3 -o mytest mytest.cpp" and only get one warning about the unused variable.  when i run it, i only get "failed" as output.  none of the print statements in the facet members are run, and apparently the facet is not actually my facet.

i cant figure out whats going wrong here: 1) gdb is kindof flakey on this target for some reason 2) i cant quite figure out the design of libstdc++-v3 locales..

can someone lend me some guidance?


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