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Re: [PATCH] Preliminary fix for codecvt_members_unicode_wchar_t

Benjamin Kosnik wrote:


Thank you very much for these additional details.
In the next few days I will try to learn more myself about all of this 
starting from these notes.

>So, in summary, it looks like this is the deal, even if this directly 
>contradicts my earlier email.
>1) UCS4, UCS2 need a byte-order marker (bom) to indicate endianness. 
>if there is no bom, then encodings assume native byte order. This varies 
>per machine, as has been found out with the x86/powerpc divergence.
Ah! Ok. Now this is much more clear. Also the different kind of problem 
shown on powerpc/s390 by the wchar_t test vs the char test.

>2) UCS4-BE, UCS2-BE should not need a bom to indicate endianness, as it 
>is explicitly specified.
I see.

>I hope this helps explain the situation. If I'm wrong, please let me know
>and I'll try to confuse the situation some more. I realize this sounds
>really complicated at the moment. Writing docs that explain this is on my
>TODO list for May.
Great! At the moment, to my best knowledge, there are not many clear 
explanations available...

By the way, have you had at look at my "consistency" fix for It is not strictly needed but changes those tests 
consistently with the current

Ciao, Paolo.

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