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Re: Results for g++ 3.1 application testing on i686-pc-linux-gnu

When submitting patches fixing problems with the type checking code
from boost to John Maddock I asked him whether the remaining seven
(expected) failures for empty_* types in
libs/type_traits/tests/object_type_traits_test.cpp are failures
according to the standard or not.

the checking value of boost::has_trivial_constructor<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::has_trivial_copy<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::has_trivial_assign<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::has_nothrow_constructor<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::has_nothrow_copy<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::has_nothrow_assign<empty_UDT>::value...failed
        found: 0 expected 1
checking value of boost::is_empty<empty_union_UDT>::value...failed
   boost::is_empty<empty_union_UDT>::value does not compile on this compiler
201 tests completed, 7 failures found, 7 failures expected from this compiler.

His first reply was:
"The "failures" for empty_* types are not failures
according to the standard - it just means that the compiler is not applying
the zero sized base class optimization, so we can't detect empty base
classes." He responded with a test case regarding the zero value
optimization which gcc 3.1 passes.

On my request to be more specific on the nature of
the seven failures I got no reply.

Well, I narrowed the first of these tests down to some lines. Here is the

#include <iostream>


int cpp_main();  // prototype for user's cpp_main()

namespace boost{

template <typename T>
struct has_trivial_constructor
   static const bool value = BOOST_HAS_TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(T);

  template< class Generator >  // Generator is function object returning int
  int catch_exceptions( Generator function_object)
    int result = function_object();
    return result;

  namespace test
    class cpp_main_caller
      cpp_main_caller() {}
      int operator()() { return cpp_main(); }

int main()
  return boost::catch_exceptions( boost::test::cpp_main_caller());

unsigned failures = 0;
unsigned test_count = 0;
unsigned int expected_failures = 0;
int check_result()
   std::cout << test_count << " tests completed, "
      << failures << " failures found, "
      << expected_failures << " failures expected from this compiler." << std::endl;
   return (failures == expected_failures)
       ? 0
       : (failures != 0) ? static_cast<int>(failures) : -1;

template <bool b>
struct checker
   static void check(bool, bool, const char*, bool){ ++test_count; }

template <>
struct checker<false>
   static void check(bool o, bool n, const char* name, bool soft)
      std::cout << "checking value of " << name << "...failed" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "\tfound: " << n << " expected " << o << std::endl;

template <class T>
struct typify{};

template <class T, class U>
struct type_checker
   static void check(const char* TT, const char* TU, const char* expression)
      if(typeid(typify<T>) != typeid(typify<U>))
         std::cout << "checking type of " << expression << "...failed" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "   evaluating:  type_checker<" << TT << "," << expression << ">" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "   expected:    type_checker<" << TT << "," << TT << ">" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "   but got:     " << typeid(type_checker<T,U>).name() << std::endl;

template <class T>
struct type_checker<T,T>
   static void check(const char*, const char*, const char*)

#define soft_value_test(v, x) checker<(v == x)>::check(v, x, #x, true);

struct empty_UDT
   empty_UDT& operator=(const empty_UDT&){ return *this; }
   bool operator==(const empty_UDT&)const
   { return true; }

int cpp_main()
   soft_value_test(true, boost::has_trivial_constructor<empty_UDT>::value)
   return check_result();

When I run the executable compiled by gcc version 3.1 20020313 on my
686-pc-linux-gnu box, the output is:

checking value of boost::has_trivial_constructor<empty_UDT>::value...failed
	found: 0 expected 1
1 tests completed, 1 failures found, 1 failures expected from this compiler.

I hope I made no mistake when I prepared the test case. Maybe an
expert can tell what is going on.

Hope this helps,

Peter Schmid

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