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Re: Missing explicit instantiations in libstdc++ (was Re: Unreviewed

> std::basic_string<unsigned char, std::char_traits<unsigned char>, std::allocator<unsigned char> >::_Rep::_S_max_size(data)
> or in mangled form
> _ZNSbIhSt11char_traitsIhESaIhEE4_Rep11_S_max_sizeE

Oh. Note that src/ is instantiating std::string, which is 


std::basic_string<unsigned char>

This (the unsigned instantiation) should be implicitly instantiated from 
the test case in question, namely 22_locale/ Apparently it is 
not, for some reason.

Or, all char's are unsigned on HPUX, and there is something funky going 
on WRT CANONICAL_TYPE and mangled names where char is not mapping to 
unsigned char.


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