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Re: Circumventing __USE_MALLOC and templatized containers

On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 06:29:42PM +0100, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> But that's a serious limitation and doesn't allow the use of these
> containers with the standard algorithms.

I found many flaws in C++ :/, this is just one of them.
The non existance of templated typedefs.

Another one is impossibility to copy constructors from
a base case imho.  I'd like to see something like:

class B : public class A {
  using A::A;

causing all constructors of A to appear in B (with 'B' as
name obviously).  That would solve this problem too.

While I'm on my soap box, allow me to repeat the most
annoying thing that is lacking imho: the fact that template
parameters can not be restricted to a certain class.

template<typedef T of class B>	// or something like this
  class A { ... };

where then T is garanteed to be B or derived from B.
That would allow for major compile time optimizations
in many cases. :/

Carlo Wood <>

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