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Re: state of headers

On Wed, 07 Mar 2001, Nathan Myers wrote:
> I've been out of things for a while.  Can somebody summarize the 
> current state of the c_shadow headers?   I see that they don't work 
> right on Solaris, because of its sub-includes, which is how I remember 
> it when last I was involved.  Now that I have convenient access to
> Solaris machines, maybe I can help fix them.

I've got a fix worked up for the Solaris sub-includes (at least, on
Solaris 8), and its implementation will impact the c_shadow headers. 
You might want to hold off until I post my patch (real soon now) before
you start your c_shadow stuff.

The reason why what I'm doing might impact the c_shadow headers is
because my work requires the bits/std_*.h headers be built into the
build directory before libsupc++ and src get built, and from what I can
tell so do the c_shadow headers, only they aren't under the current
build process.

My progress is hampered by a 4-hour turnaround time from code change to
build failure, so hang on for a day or so.

Stephen M. Webb

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