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Re: stdio synching and startup code (was Re: segfaults after loading shared libstdc++)

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:54:16AM -0800, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:

Yeah, I'd just finished looking at those.  I must say, code like

    new (&cin) istream(_M_cin);

just looks *freaky* weird.  :-)  Placement new over an I/O object...!

> Really, all that should need to happen in s_w_s is that the size of the 
> buffer changes...

The /size/?  You just lost me...

pedwards at disaster dot jaj dot com  |  pme at sources dot redhat dot com
devphil at several other less interesting addresses in various dot domains
The gods do not protect fools.  Fools are protected by more capable fools.

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