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too much copy in map

why is there so much contructor call in map. if I'd like to insert a new
element into a map it's call too copy constructor at least. why ?
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A
  A() { cout << "def "; }
  A(const A&) { cout << "copy "; }

int main()
  typedef map<int, A> Map;
  Map m;
  m.insert(Map::value_type(1, A()));
  A& a = m[2];
  m.insert(m.end(), Map::value_type(3, A()));
  return 0;
the output is:
def copy copy def copy copy def copy copy
all of these 3 insertion call 2 times the copy constuctor.
it can't be implemeted just 1 cc call for an insertation ?
or is there any way to do so ?

 -- lfarkas
 "The only thing worse than not knowing the truth is
  ruining the bliss of ignorance."

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