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Re: Funniness with operator>> (istream&, string&)

> > Anyway, so it sounds like this is something which should get
> > submitted as a defect report.  I'll try to do that; it might be a few
> > days before i get to it, though.
> I've not seen traffic about this. I think it should be submitted--(can you
> please do so?)

Sorry -- it's in my queue, but i haven't gotten to that yet.
I still intend to, though.

> 1) need to wrap with _GLIBCPP_RESOLVE... macro. Need defect number for
> this. . . 
> 2) one test, like other istream member functions. . .
> okay?

Sure.  (But it looks like you'll also need to move the declaration
of __extracted out one block for it to compile.)
> can I add  your orig test case to the correct testsuites/27_io/* file?

Sure -- do whatever you want with it.


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