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time to get gaby that wine? [c++ error messages]

> | Hey Gaby, any luck on getting human-readable error messages outta g++?
> The necessary machinery should be finished by this week-end. Currently
> I'm having a nasty sig11 error from the C-front-end, which makes me
> nervous.

Wow. Great news!

When this is in, please let me know. I'd like to add it immediately to 
the flags that 


set, much in the same way that 


was added. Actually, feel free to do this if you want. As soon as this is 
in and working in libstdc++-v3, then I'll start harassing the people who 
said they'd go in on the bottles of wine for you if you'd do this...


bkoz == cabernet
ncm == merlot
pme == ??


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