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re: (patch) Workaround for gcc's float complex bug.

Hey Mumit, thanks for this work. It's in, with some minor mods. All the
macros have to have _GLIBCPP_ prepended to them, so:

        * acconfig.h: New _GLIBCPP_BUGGY_FLOAT_COMPLEX macro.
        * src/ New _GLIBCPP_FLOAT_SPECIALIZATION macro.

I just went ahead and did these changes. 

Does this mean that I can compile v-3 under cygwin-release-one now? I
tried a week or so ago and had crashers in make (perhaps related to
this?) I would be interested in getting CVS libstdc++ to compile under
cygwin, so I look forward to your other patches.

As an aside, the continuing devolution of the math/ctype headers is
bumping up the priority of getting a clean fixincludes-ish solution in
to automatically prune headers, so that the standard headers are not
littered with macros. . .


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