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Valarray: bug in binary operator


A code like the following would result in a core dump:

    valarray<double> A(1.0,80), B(80);

More generaly, a binary operator taking a valarray as first argument and
a template expression as second argument gives either unexpected results
or a segfault ( at least with the libstdc++ of gcc 2.95.1 and with
libstdc++2.90.6 - I didn't try the cvs version).

The patch below seems to adress this problem.

Congratulation for your implementation of valarray. I was looking for
something more lightweight than Blitz++, and your valarray really works
fine: compilation is 5 time faster, and doesn't eat all my RAM (I didn't
make a run-time comparison thought)


in valarray_meta.h

<     _BinClos (const valarray<_Tp> __e1, const _Dom& __e2)
>     _BinClos (const valarray<_Tp>& __e1, const _Dom& __e2)

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