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Re: Using 2.90.60 as standard C++ lib with gcc 2.95

 > Do you really want to use v-3?  Note that v-3 is not yet finished and
 > vairous parts are missing. Most of what is already implemented is not
 > tested. 

Yes I need to use v3. I've written code that makes use of many
iostreams features that have just been put into the new libstdc++ and
it won't make any sense for me to go back and change them all to hacks
just so I can get it to work with an old library.

So how do I get gcc-2.95 to use 2.90.6 by default?

Also ... out of curiosity I ran make check on my newly built library
... unlike the pass/fail ratio on the web page (45/2 or something?)
practically all my tests failed! It built and installed fine on my
RH6.0/Intel install. I built gcc-2.95 with egcs-1.1.2 and I built the
library with gcc-2.95. What did I do wrong?

Thanks for any help.

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