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mknumericlimits now mandatory

. . . as there is no other std_limits.h file, and it is necessary to build.

For the time being, this is what you should do to build the library.

1) check out the sources into a src dir (say SRC)
2) make a bld dir (say BLD)
3) cd into the $BLD directory and do a normal configure, say
  $SRC/configure --verbose --prefix=$INSTALL
4) cd into the $SRC dir and type
5) cd back into $BLD and do
  make install

Running mknumericlimits should be part of the configure process. 
Volunteers who would like to contribute this would be most appreciated. 
This is what needs to be done. . 

> The problem is that really, mknumericlimits should auto-gen
> the std_limits.h file and put it in the build directory, and then install
> it in the correct place during installation. 
> That way you can use the same source dir to do builds for x86 and sparc,
> etc. 


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