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Re: Which library implementation to use/work on?

Thanks, I got it to work eventually. That switch disables building of
ecj so I had to first compile without it, then install, then adjust my
path, then reconfigure/make/make install - bit confusing.

I then encountered a couple of other issues. Firstly it seems there's
something odd about the Google protocol buffers library that gcj does
not like:

com/google/protobuf/ In method
com/google/protobuf/ error: class
'' has no method named
'getDefaultInstanceForType' matching signature

The code is some morass of generics so it's hard for me to figure out
what the issue is here. The relevant code is:

public class SingleFieldBuilder
    <MType extends GeneratedMessage,
     BType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder,
     IType extends MessageOrBuilder>
    implements GeneratedMessage.BuilderParent {

  private MType message;

  public SingleFieldBuilder<MType, BType, IType> mergeFrom(
      MType value) {
    if (builder == null && message == message.getDefaultInstanceForType()) {
      message = value;
    } else {
    return this;

Sure enough the GeneratedMessage class doesn't have
getDefaultInstanceForType - it's implemented by subclasses.

GeneratedMessage says this at the top:

 * All generated protocol message classes extend this class.  This class
 * implements most of the Message and Builder interfaces using Java reflection.
 * Users can ignore this class and pretend that generated messages implement
 * the Message interface directly.
 * @author Kenton Varda

I suspect the reference to "implementing most of the interfaces using
reflection" is key. I don't know what that means exactly, the class is
very large and complicated:

I switched to the "lite" runtime which is simpler and the issue went away.

The next problem is more stubs in classpath: specifically the elliptic
curve related classes in I'm already using
BouncyCastle to implement the EC crypto - these classes are literally
just data structures. They're probably quite trivial to do.

I'll try copying the equivalent code from openjdk and see if that works.

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