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Static class members & DWARF


Consider the following simple class:

class jvstatic
  public static int STATIC = 1;

Looking at the DWARF info for this class, I see:

<1><107>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_class_type)
<108> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xdf): jvstatic
<10c> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<10d> DW_AT_decl_file : 1
<10e> DW_AT_decl_line : 0
<10f> DW_AT_containing_type: <0x17b>
<113> DW_AT_sibling : <0x17b>
<2><117>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_inheritance)
<118> DW_AT_type : <0x17b>
<11c> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 0 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 0)
<11f> DW_AT_accessibility: 1 (public)
<2><120>: Abbrev Number: 4 (DW_TAG_member)
<121> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x123): STATIC
<125> DW_AT_decl_file : 1
<126> DW_AT_decl_line : 0
<127> DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name: (indirect string, offset: 0xca): _ZN8jvstatic6STATICE
<12b> DW_AT_type : <0x181>
<12f> DW_AT_external : 1
<130> DW_AT_declaration : 1

Pursuant to the DWARF3 specification (sec 4.1 #6), I would expect to subsequently see a DIE with DW_TAG_variable which refers to DIE <120> (via DW_AT_specification). Alas, this DIE does not appear in the debug info at all.

Does java operate differently from C++ (which follows the DWARF specification)?


PS. This causes gdb to report jvstatic.STATIC as "optimized out" when, in fact, it is not. [This is because I am removing DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name from gdb, and this works on CVS HEAD *only* because gdb finds the linkage name in the minimal symbol table. A convenient workaround for many of gdb's sins.]

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