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Re: SimpleDateFormat

- - wrote:
Ben, I thanks you if you can send me an example.
No problem.
From this problem I imagine that other resouce are not included: do you know other class similar to this?
I had this same thought. Rather than try to figure out which resources I needed, I decided to link them all in and maybe whittle it down later. I'm sure Tom is right about -u, but then we would need an explicit list of resource to include. So this is kinda the lazy way.
Another comment for all: if it is a know problem why is not provided an "official" library of proprietary resource?
I didn't submit one because the sentiment I've seen previously about -static-libgcj is that people who are using it _want_ to include only what is necessary, so a 'whole-archive' link of all the properties in the .spec wouldn't have made it very far into trunk. Unfortunately for you, your platform does only -static-libgcj.

So here's your recipe:
#copy libgcj to a working dir (could be in a different location than /usr/lib/ for you)
mkdir -p /tmp/mess_with_libgcj
cd /tmp/mess_with_libgcj
cp /usr/lib/libgcj.a .

#extract all the object from this library
ar x libgcj.a

#make a lib with only the properties objects
ar rvcs libgcj_properties.a *properties*.o
#do the (sometimes superfluous) blessing of the lib
ranlib libgcj_properties.a

#copy the lib to the system lib dir
cp libgcj_properties.a /usr/lib/

#goto your source project and this time link-in those properties objects with --whole-archive, this forces the linker to include them even if they aren't statically referenced
cd <your source build-tree>
gcj -o <your prog> -Wl,--whole-archive -lgcj_properties -Wl,--no-whole-archive -static-libgcj --main=<your main>


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