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             Here is My problem,

 I am doing My Last year academic project named "j4cpp wrapper" .In
this project, I am generating wrapper to call java .class files from
c++ so that c++ user can just add that wrapper (which will be just a
header file(.h) ) to invoke methods of that java class file. Here I am
using Invocation API's (kind of  Reverse JNI ).

Now my current status is as follows :
code for Wrapper  generation for basic datatypes (such as
int,char,float ) and arrays are done.
But now i got problem when a java class( having any java class library
object such as Frames it. )  i dont know how to deal with to load them so that c++ user can access to those methods ?

here is the structure of wrapper which my application generates :

*wrapper name is same as class file name with .h extension.
(name of file abc.h)
#include "jvm.cpp"      // this file does all JVM loading related work.
 class abc                  // same name as java class name(retrieved
using reflection api's )
         private :
               invocation_api invoke;     //object used to invoke and load JVM.
          public :
               abc() {invoke.create_vm();}

                void method1(int,int);

void abc::method1(int arg1, int arg2)

     jvalue returnValue;
      Invoke.invoke_class("abc", "method1", "(II)V", &returnValue, arg1, arg2);
      /* This function resides in jvm.cpp file which is included @top.
This function takes class name, method name, method signature, jvalue
reference variable  and arguments if any.  Users are not allowed to
change this line. */

 // add user code here if he wants...

//****************************** MAIN PROBLEM

Now consider a class file in which some method x takes arguments as
Frames object....
then how i shuold call that methods which resides in that class ?
 do i have to wrap that library class ?  if yes how ?what will be the
structure of that wrapper ?

Any Links , s/w , pdf  which can help me to solve problem are most welcome.

Thanks you for valuable time .

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