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Re: Trying to embed gnu.xml.dom.DomDocumentBuilderFactory

Mohsen Saboorian writes:
 > I asked some question regarding statically building my software a
 > while ago on mailing list:
 > and
 > The final answer was that if I manually do "new
 > DomDocumentBuilderFactory()", GCJ embeds this class within the static
 > executable file, so there would be no NoClassDefFoundError. Doing so
 > does nothing but increasing my app size, and I'm still getting
 > ClassDef error.
 > > As a side note, I am not sure why you want to statically link.  Usually
 > > it only makes sense for small embedded environments.
 > I want to run my app on an OLPC machine, which neither have jre nor libgcj.

Yeah, we understand that.  Use "nm --demangle=java' to see if the
DomDocumentBuilderFactory classes really are embedded in your

If they are, and it fails, post the stacktrace here.


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