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Re: Bug in JNI RegisterNatives?

Juerg Lehni wrote:
I'm happy to write the patch but would need to know a few more things first.

Some questions:

- Is _Jv_LookupJNIMethod used each time a methods registered in that way is called, or is it only called once, and then linked directly to the native pointer?

It is called once, then the pointer returned is saved locally.
- Should I create a new struct as a base for nathash, or continue to use JNINativeMethod and just concatenate the class name and the method name, seperated with a '.' and store that in the JNINativeMethod name field? I guess a new struct would be cleaner, as JNINativeMethod is also used outside

Sounds good.
- What is the easiest way to retrieve the class name in UTF8 format? Is there something faster / easier than klass->getName() and then convert?

klass->name will give you the Utf8Const name. You may need to add a friend declaration to java/lang/Class.h for this to work.


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