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Re: Static executables

Andrew Haley wrote:
> # this depends on ncurses, but we're not linking now
> gcj -c Toolkit.c -fjni -findirect-dispatch -o Toolkit.o
> > gcj -c charva.jar -fjni -findirect-dispatch -o charva.o

This looks wrong.  The "Statically linking libgcj" page doesn't
recommend indirect dispatch, and it won't work.  If you want to link
statically you must use the C++ ABI, not indirect dispatch.


As for JNI, as far as I'm aware it requires dynamic loading.

Hmm, I didn't know that :-( . Then I think I have to give up on this, since the JNI part is vital in this case ...

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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