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compiling LWJGL with GCJ


I'm compiling LWJGL ( Well, if the name tells you nothing, don't worry: to simplify the case it is a JNI native wrapper to opengl. I was compiling the win32 build (v0.98) of the library. It conststs of a bunch of java sources and a precompiled DLL(s). I'm not too font of make syntax so I used Ant to build it. The buils dcript is below. I used mingw 3.4.4-20050522 builds of core, java, c++, binutils 2.26.91-20050827, w32api 3.5, runtime 3.9;

Everything compiled fine using the script below. As a result I got liblwjgl.a and XYZ.a for each native XYZ.DLL using dlltool and impdef. Then I tried to compile a very simple sample. Compillation and linking went fine. (however! linker did require any of the XYZ.a libraries!). But the resulting exe crashes immediately with message: exception in thread "main" . It doesn't care if the native DLLs are available for it or no. Actually, abstracting from the LWJGL library I build, am I missing something related to JNI or DLLs? Wrong flags, version etc? Actually, I know that the LWJGL lib IS compilable with GCJ for win32, so it is very unlikely that it's the problem in the library itself. I have experimented with different samples, but all crash. Just having a dependency on any part of my lwjgl.a makes it crash.

Please, if someone can see the problem... Thakn you!!!

posting to:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="lwjgl-custom" default="all">
   <property file="" />

   <!--ant-contrib: foreach, propertyregex tasks -->
   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
           <pathelement location="${basedir}/ant/ant-contrib.jar" />

   <target name="clean">
       <delete dir="${dir.obj}" />
       <delete dir="${dir.lib}" />

   <target name="compile">
       <mkdir dir="${dir.obj}" />

       <foreach target="compile-single" param="f">
           <fileset dir="${dir.src}">
               <include name="**/*.java" />

<target name="compile-single">
<echo>compiling ${f} </echo>
<propertyregex input="${f}" regexp="(.)*${dir.src}(\\|\/)?" property="t1" replace="" />
<propertyregex input="${t1}" regexp="\.java" property="t2" replace="" />
<propertyregex input="${t2}" regexp="(\\|\/)" property="obj" replace="_" />

       <exec executable="gcj">
           <env key="PATH" value="${path.gcc.bin}" />
           <arg line="-fjni -g0" />
           <arg line="-c ${f} " />
           <arg line="-o ${basedir}/${dir.obj}/${obj}.o" />
           <arg line="--classpath=${basedir}/${dir.src}" />

   <target name="lib">
       <echo>creating library...</echo>

<mkdir dir="${dir.lib}/" />

<exec executable="ar" dir="${basedir}/${dir.obj}">
<env key="PATH" value="${path.gcc.bin}" />
<arg line="ar -rcs ${basedir}/${dir.lib}/liblwjgl.a *.o" />
<exec executable="ranlib">
<env key="PATH" value="${path.gcc.bin}" />
<arg line="${basedir}/${dir.lib}/liblwjgl.a" />
<target name="lib-native">
<echo>generating lib-files from native libraries...</echo>
<foreach target="def-single" param="f">
<fileset dir="${dir.native}">
<include name="*.dll" />
</foreach> </target>

<target name="def-single">
<echo>creating def file for ${f} </echo>
<propertyregex input="${f}" regexp="(.)*${dir.native}(\\|\/)?" property="t1" replace="" />
<propertyregex input="${t1}" regexp="\.dll\Z" property="def" replace=".def" />
<propertyregex input="${t1}" regexp="\.dll\Z" property="lib" replace=".a" />
<exec executable="impdef" output="${dir.lib}/${def}">
<env key="PATH" value="${path.impdef}" />
<arg line="${f}" />
<exec executable="dlltool" >
<env key="PATH" value="${path.gcc.bin}" />
<arg line="-d ${dir.lib}/${def}" />
<arg line="-D ${f}" />
<arg line="-l ${dir.lib}/${lib}" />
<arg line="-k -A" />
<target name="all">
<antcall target="clean" />
<antcall target="compile" />
<antcall target="lib" />

gcj -fjni -c -otest.o --classpath=lwjgl.jar
gcj -fjni -o test.exe test.o --main=Test -L. -llwjgl -l-org-w3c-dom

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