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Wrestling with gcj 4.0 mingw win32

I have been trying to get my programm to run for three days now, everything I did was reading documentations and trying to find my error But I couldn't.
I used GCJ 3.4 before and it worked fine, now I installed the GCJ 4.0 I thought I could just change my path and run the builds I ran before to see if everything worked.
My buildfile looks like this:

del /f ARClibWriter.jar
gcj -g -c -o entagged-audioformats-0.09.o entagged-audioformats-0.09.jar
gcj -g -c --classpath=entagged-audioformats-0.09.jar -o jd3lib.o jd3lib.jar
cd bin
jar cmfv ..\manifestaddition ..\ARClibWriter.jar *
gcj -s --classpath=jd3lib.jar --main=arclibWriter.GUI.Starter -o ARClibWriter.exe ARClibWriter.jar entagged-audioformats-0.09.o jd3lib.o

The output of the last gcj call is:

ng6Logger7getNameEv[__ZN4java4util7logging6Logger7getNameEv]+0x0): multiple defi
nition of `java::util::logging::Logger::getName()'
686-pc-mingw32/lib/libgcj.a(Logger.o) first defined h
686-pc-mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lgdi32

I'm pretty much lost, I don't have much experience in using GCC/GCJ
I don't understand this output. First what are these problems with the "java::util::logging:Logger" I thought logging is iplemented 100% according to the statuspage.
But what confuses me as gcj newbie even more is that last line "cannot find -lgdi32" what is does that mean ? What is missing ?

I was able to compile and run the programm with the gcc3.4 without errors. I got a nullpointer exception but I guess that results from a programming bug. But the GUI showed and all method calls worked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'm pretty new to this but see the potential of the GCJ and would be able to really use it.


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