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(buggy) compiling and running with multiple jar files

I want to run and compile the jar file POpt.jar, which depends on JPisa.jar and SMOOD.jar. Running was "solved":

1) gij -cp SMOOD.jar:JPisa.jar:POpt.jar:. -jar POpt.jar

Doesn't work because of a bug in gij 3.4.2.

2) gij -cp SMOOD.jar:JPisa.jar:POpt.jar:. -mx=512M ProcessorOptimizer.Main

Works thanks to the hint of Micheal Koch.

Compilation is unsolved:

1) gcj -O0 -o popt --main=ProcessorOptimizer.Main --classpath=JPisa.jar:SMOOD.jar:. ProcessorOptimizer/*.class ProcessorOptimizer/*/*.class

Produces a internal compiler error: Bus error. I reported this bug already, where I compiled it with -save-temps.

2) gcj -O0 -o popt --main=ProcessorOptimizer.Main --classpath=JPisa.jar:SMOOD.jar:. POpt.jar SMOOD.jar JPisa.jar

Doesn't work because it needs this amount of parameters for the classpath, and classpath seems to have an influence on bootclasspath.

java/awt/ In class `java.awt.Component':
java/awt/ In method `java.awt.Component.eventTypeEnabled(int)':
java/awt/ error: expected type 'int' but stack contains 'void'
java/awt/ error: verification error at PC=311
java/awt/ error: types could not be merged
java/io/ confused by earlier errors, bailing out

3) gcj -O0 -o popt --main=ProcessorOptimizer.Main --classpath=SMOOD.jar:JPisa.jar:. ProcessorOptimizer/Main.class SMOOD.jar JPisa.jar

Fails for the same reasons like in 2).

Does somebody know a workaround ?


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