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Re: Runtime issue finding external drivers

>>>>> "George" == George Palmer <> writes:

George> I have a Java program that when I run normally I use the tag
George> -Djava.library.path=. so that the code can find .dll and .so libraries
George> bundled in the same directory.


George> After compiling the code using GCJ and running I get an error message:
George> Caught java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver
George> not found in [my classpath] while loading driver
George> com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver

George> Is this that it can't find the external comm driver or that I've
George> compiled the Java comm code wrong so it can't find the class
George> SolarisDriver?

Well, presumably this is code you supply somehow -- the free
implementations don't provide com.sun.*.  If this isn't your code or
somehow freely available, then perhaps the problem is that you're
relying on undocumented APIs.  (I'm not a javax.comm expert so I don't

If you have all this code in some form you can use, and it still isn't
working, then perhaps the problem is that java.library.path isn't
implemented in the version of gcj you are using.  What version is it?

George> Also serial communications requires a in the lib
George> directory of a Java install so where should that go if Java isn't
George> installed?  Could this be the problem?

Offhand, I have no idea.  FWIW the free version of javax.comm I know
of is RXTX:  Maybe that is helpful.


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