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Re: MinGW + GCJ : Runtime error / compilation error

Thx for the answer, and I found out also that what I sent wasn't an error :p
So here is what I get as runtime error :

[23.10.2004 16:45:49 - main]: TCPSwitch started
[23.10.2004 16:45:50 - main]: -----------------
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at 0x00426d2e (Unknown Source)
at 0x00426702 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00477574 (Unknown Source)
at 0x0049e144 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004a1f0c (Unknown Source)
at 0x00436199 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004c0afe (Unknown Source)
at 0x004c4553 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00435ebe (Unknown Source)
at 0x00461759 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00461900 (Unknown Source)
at 0x0046194f (Unknown Source)
at 0x00418cdd (Unknown Source)
at 0x0040ffa5 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00414d5f (Unknown Source)
at 0x0041500e (Unknown Source)
at 0x00414b62 (Unknown Source)
at 0x0041500e (Unknown Source)
at 0x004152fb (Unknown Source)
at 0x0041552a (Unknown Source)
at 0x00409ca8 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004ac52f (Unknown Source)
at 0x0043cf8f (Unknown Source)
at 0x004324e0 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00418057 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004181a7 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004012ca (Unknown Source)
at 0x00401166 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00401014 (Unknown Source)
at 0x77e61416 (Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Bundle gnu/regexp/MessagesBundle
not found
at 0x00426d2e (Unknown Source)
at 0x00426702 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00426f54 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00477624 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004a24c5 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004a36a0 (Unknown Source)
at 0x004a377a (Unknown Source)
at 0x004c2032 (Unknown Source)
at 0x00435ebe (Unknown Source)
...24 more

Hope it helps :p :p
Thx anyway ;)

----Original Message Follows----
From: Mohan Embar <>
To: "Rafter _" <>
Subject: Re: MinGW + GCJ : Runtime error / compilation error
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 08:56:27 -0500


>So when using the static library linking, I don't get any compilation error
>but I get one at runtime which crashes the application.

Which class is missing? What does the stacktrace say?

>On the other hand when using dynamic linking, I get the following error :


>__imp___Jv_Compiler_Properties (auto-import)
>Info: resolving __ZN4java4lang6String6class$E by linking to
>__imp___ZN4java4lang6String6class$E (auto-import)

There aren't errors, but informational messages. Do you get a
working executable after this?

-- Mohan

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