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sqlite/sqlite wrapper compiled natively

Hi guys

sqlite/sqlite wrapper compiled natively

Only two problems encountered:

//X		String pattern = "";
//X		String[] args = pattern.split(":");

The method String[] String.split(String) is apparently not defined in libgcj? Maybe
it's not supposed to ... Dunno.

//X			value = (value == null) ? null : value.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");

The method String String.replaceAll(String,String) is apparently not defined either
in libgcj? Again. I leave it up to you.

The java bindings are based on the swigging of a judiciously simplified API,
sqlitewrapper.c, written by Antoun Kanawati (
He also did the swigging. It's a very clean and useful setup. I've learned a lot from
his work.

So, after transformation, we get the following source trees:

(1) sqlite-2-8-13			
The preprocessed (lemon lexer/parser already generated) but otherwise vanilla
C sourcetree distributed at I've excluded the
shell.c program and placed it in another tree.

(2) swig-sqlite-2-8-13
The java classes generated by SWIG exposing sqlitewrapper.c

(3) swig-sqlite-jni-2-8-13
The native jni sources generated by SWIG, tying the java sources to the C source

(4) sqlite-shell-2-8-13
The native shell utility program.

(5) sqlite-test-2-8-13
Antoun's fortune.db test of the whole setup.

The building instructions are quite simple:

buildmodel sqlite-2-8-13;
buildmodel sqlite-shell-2-8-13;

archive dependencies
buildmodel sqlite-test-2-8-13;

entry points
	testit	sqlite.test.testit;

archive dependencies
buildmodel swig-sqlite-2-8-13;

compilation options

archive dependencies
	native whole swig-sqlite-jni-2-8-13;
buildmodel swig-sqlite-jni-2-8-13;

compilation options 

link options 

archive dependencies
	native whole sqlite-2-8-13;

If anybody is interested in the resulting bash scripts that schedule the build, feel
free to send me an email.

I'm currently looking into a few other interesting native source trees, to swig,
re-expose in java, and build the whole lot natively with GCJ. Once you get the hang
of it, it's actually quite easy. It's even fun!!


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