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sablecc-3-beta-2 natively compiled with GCJ

SableCC-3-beta-2 compiles super-duper-cleanly out of the box, with no patches,
modifications or anything else funny.

It compiles on both lin32 as well as win32.

It's also a lot faster than the last version I was on (2-16-2), and the
lexers/parsers generated are a lot faster too. It really speeds up things. Every
program, using sources generated from a sablecc grammar, is now a lot faster too.

(I just wish GCJ evolved in the same way ...).

Since the tree has zero dependencies on other source trees and uses no no shared
libraries, it's also one of the simplest GCJ builds you could have:

buildmodel sablecc-3-beta-2;

entry points
	sablecc org.sablecc.sablecc.SableCC;

If anybody is interested in the resulting bash script that schedules the build, send
me a mail.

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