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Re: [BC ABI] gcj-abi-2-dev-branch created

Bryce McKinlay wrote:

Currently, the idea is that we'll maintain two ABIs - the "new", aka BC-ABI for dynamic shared library environments, and the existing ABI for static binaries. Aside from additional dispatch indirections and such, the main difference technically will be that under the BC-ABI, class descriptor structures, vtables, and the like are contructed at runtime from pointer-free metadata, while under the old ABI these are pre-generated at compile time.

If the plan is to for the foreseeable future to support two ABI's in the same source tree, do we really need a separate branch?

What time horizon are you thinking about in terms of when to
merge the branch back?

In any case, is there a design document?  If not, we need one now.
For example, if I'm going to work on reducing executable size
I need to need some general idea of where you're going so I don't
conflict or duplicate work.  Especially if you're working in a
separate branch.
	--Per Bothner

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