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Working on Kaffe/X-AWT port...

Hi there!

I only want to let you know, that I´m currently working on a port of Kaffe´s X-awt to gcj.
Of course the first version will still use JNI but I´ll start replacing it with CNI when there are working resuts.

In my opinion a direct binding to the X-lib has the folllowing advantages:

* No need for GTK or another library (only X of course)
* Faster primitive drawing functions, especally important when using "lightweight" toolkits based on component.
* very portable: A simply x-wrapper (which implements only the needed subset of the X-lib) should do the job.

I hope I´ll get the current version work in two weeks, for now, everything compiles fine to bytecode using gcj (3.3 prerelease) (with removed gnu/awt java/awt packages) but when compiling source or class-files to native code, the following problem(s) ocours: "java/awt/ internal compiler error: in expand_expr, at expr.c:7304".
I hope I can isolate these problems.

One question: This awt implementation uses an helper class stated in kaffe/util/Ptr which seems a replacement for the pointer-emulation using ints. They use it, because of 64-bit compatibility. But the Ptr class is simply a abstract class, so could anybody please explain me, how that works?

lg Clemens

PS: Btw: Is lgpl a problem for gcj?

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