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Re: compiling a SWT-gui with gcj on windows

>>>>> "Jörg" == Jörg Maisenbacher <> writes:

Jörg> (P.S. i hope, the output is kind of readable...)

Jörg> C:\g2gui>g2gui.exe
Jörg> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Jörg>     at
Jörg>     __ZN3org7eclipse5jface8resource14JFaceResources16getImageRegistryEv

FYI, you can make the output more readable by making sure that c++filt
is in your path.  libgcj will use this to print the symbols in the
stack trace in ordinary Java format.  For instance, the above would


We should really look at integrating the demangler into the runtime so
we don't require c++filt.


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