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Re: JSP Servlet container / WEB server

Hi Nic,

On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 14:27, Nic wrote:
> I'm not interested in taking it anywhere... I'm moving to Lisp.

Lisp is a very good and productive choice for developing stuff so I am
not discouraging you :) But please allow me to get a quick
exit-interview before you leave the GNU java community. I feel a bit sad
and guilty about you leaving gcj behind. You always had good ideas and
tried to push the GNU way of doing java like things. I did not always
pick those up or make enough time to try out the things you suggested.
If you could answer the question: "What would you have liked to work on
if you had decided to stay using the java programming language and/or
gcj?" (and had infinite time of course...) That would probably help the
GNU java community a lot to see what we need to focus more on.



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