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Design Questions for MingW libjava 3.4 Refactoring

Hi Michael + Everyone,

I have a design question related to the
cleanup / refactoring / enhancements I'm
making to MingW libjava 3.4, particularly after
the Posix <-> Win32 networking code fork.

Currently, in platform.h (win32.h or posix.h),
there are a number of _Jv methods pertaining
to socket functions. I have eliminated these
in both win32.h as well as nat*Socket*ImplWin32.h
because I believe that the rationale was that
networking code should be split and not
conditionalized. Things seem to work except
for _Jv_select(), used by gnu/java/nio/

gnu::java::nio::SelectorImpl::java_do_select (jintArray read, jintArray write,
                                              jintArray except, jlong timeout)
  jint result;
  int max_fd = 0;
  fd_set read_fds;
  fd_set write_fds;
  fd_set except_fds;
  struct timeval real_time_data;
  struct timeval *time_data = NULL;

  real_time_data.tv_sec = 0;
  real_time_data.tv_usec = timeout;

  // If not legal timeout value is given, use NULL.
  // This means an infinite timeout.
  if (timeout >= 0)
      time_data = &real_time_data;

  // Reset all fd_set structures
  FD_ZERO (&read_fds);
  FD_ZERO (&write_fds);
  FD_ZERO (&except_fds);

  // Fill the fd_set data structures for the _Jv_select() call.
  helper_put_filedescriptors (read, read_fds, max_fd);
  helper_put_filedescriptors (write, write_fds, max_fd);
  helper_put_filedescriptors (except, except_fds, max_fd);

  // Actually do the select
  result = _Jv_select (max_fd + 1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, time_data);

  if (result < 0)
      char* strerr = strerror (errno);
      throw new ::java::io::IOException (JvNewStringUTF (strerr));

  // Set the file descriptors according to the values returned from select().
  helper_get_filedescriptors (read, read_fds);
  helper_get_filedescriptors (write, write_fds);
  helper_get_filedescriptors (except, except_fds);

  return result;

Two questions:

- Does my reasoning behind removing the socket-related _Jv methods
  in platform.h seem well-founded?
- Assuming the answer to the previous question is "yes", do we
  fork the above code too, which could easily be reused if
  we provided _Jv_select()? Wait a minute, if (result < 0),
  then we use errno / strerror() instead of the Win32 equivalents
  of WSAGetLastError() / FormatMessage(), so I think I just answered
  my own question.
Your thoughts?

-- Mohan

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