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gcjh: Why is "__" appended to member names?

Hello GCJ:

I have a simple class that appears thus:

package voxware.engine.recognition.sapivise;

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

public class RawResult {

  boolean  accepted = false;
  boolean  training = false;
  boolean  audio = false;
  gnu.gcj.RawData result = null;
  String   grammarName = "";
  String[] nbestArray = null;
  String   hostTrans = "";

  public RawResult() {}

With gcc-3.3 the gcjh output from gcjh appears as follows:

#ifndef __voxware_engine_recognition_sapivise_RawResult__
#define __voxware_engine_recognition_sapivise_RawResult__

#pragma interface

#include <java/lang/Object.h>

extern "Java"
  namespace voxware
    namespace engine
      namespace recognition
        namespace sapivise
          class RawResult;
  namespace gnu
    namespace gcj
      class RawData;

class ::voxware::engine::recognition::sapivise::RawResult : public
  RawResult ();
public: // actually package-private
  jboolean __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object
))))  accept
  jboolean training;
  jboolean audio;
  ::gnu::gcj::RawData *result;
  ::java::lang::String *grammarName;
  JArray< ::java::lang::String *> *nbestArray;
  ::java::lang::String *hostTrans__;

  static ::java::lang::Class class$;

#endif /* __voxware_engine_recognition_sapivise_RawResult__ */

My question is this:  Why is "hostTrans" postfixed with "__"?  Is this
the correct output, and if so under what conditions can I expect to see
members declared "foo__"??

craig vanderborgh
voxware incorporated

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