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Re: Running Eclipse 2.1 RC1 (Was: dl_iterate_phdr() deadlock patch)


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 17:37, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Mark" == Mark Wielaard <mark at klomp dot org> writes:
> Mark> Should we offer a way to disable the verifier from the command line?
> If the JDK does, I suppose we ought to.  Other than that, I'd rather
> not.

No, not officially. (Googling suggests that there are implementations
that disable verification for bootstrap classes and a
unsupported/undocumented -noverify switch.)

You are right to want to just keep getting these bug reports since we
should fix them. 

(It is just that this is the last real thing that prevents 3.3 from
running [precompiled] Eclipse out of the box... I must say that the
progress we made with running Eclipse is unbelievable, I would never
have guessed that 3.3 would already be so capable a few months ago.)



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