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I Built GCC/GCJ 3.3 under MSYS/MingW! Woo hoo!

Hi People,

I've managed to build GCC/GCJ 3.3 under MSYS 1.0.9 / MingW GCC 3.2.
The build is slow (6-10+ hours as opposed to 1.5 hours on Linux),
but it's a glimpse of what things could be like. The only major
hack is in jcf-io.c, but it is replacable with the right thing
to do. None of the hacks compromise the integrity of the source.

There is plenty of room for speeding up the build process,
especially when building libgcj.a. I'll document my observations
and personal next steps in a separate post on

The future looks promising for MingW native GCC/GCJ builds!


8 March 2003

-- Mohan

Here are quick instructions for building GCC/GCJ 3.3 under
MSYS / MingW. I've hardcoded pathnames in these instructions
so if you use different ones, you'll have to extrapolate.

- Download my "Build Your Own GCC33 Under MingW Super Fun Pak" from: (146K)

- Download these from


- Create directory C:\GCCTest
- Unzip my fun pack to C:\GCCTest
- Install MinGW-2.0.0-3.exe to c:\MingW
- Install MSYS-1.0.9-2003.02.17-1.exe to c:\msys.
  Be sure to complete the post-install properly,
  specifying c:/mingw for your mingw install directory.
  (note forward slash, not backslash)
- Edit c:\msys\1.0\etc\fstab. Add line:

  c:/GCCTest /GCCTest

- Close c:\msys\1.0\etc\fstab

- Copy or move flex.exe and bison*.* 
  from c:\GCCTest to c:\msys\1.0\bin  
  These are MingW builds of GNU flex and bison.

- Unzip gcc 3.3 sources to C:\GCCTest. You can get these 
  from several places:
  - from CVS (see for instructions
    on getting the 3.3 branch)
  - from a mirror site
    If you get them from a mirror, rename c:\GCCTest\gcc-XXXXXXX to c:\GCCTest\gcc.
  - my personal, already-hacked-up snapshot (unzip to C:\): (37M)
    (If you use my personal snapshot, you won't have to apply any patches.)
    If you've unzipped things properly, you should see the file
    in /GCCTest/gcc

- ONLY IF you HAVEN'T used my personal snapshot, you'll have to apply patches.

  Start by applying these patches:
  Then apply c:/GCCTest/jcfiohack.diff
  Then apply any other patches you like.
- Open an MSYS shell. Type:

  cd /mingw
  tar xfz /pathto/binutils-2.13.90-20021006-2.tar.gz
  tar xfz /pathto/mingw-runtime-2.4.tar.gz
  tar xfz /pathto/w32api-2.2.tar.gz
  cd /GCCTest
  mkdir w32gcc
  cd w32gcc
  mkdir gcc
  mkdir g++_build
- If you haven't chosen the directories I mentioned
  above, update and in /GCCTest
  and make the paths correct
- Still in the MSYS shell,

  cd /GCCTest/w32gcc/gcc
  mkdir mingw32
  cd mingw32
  tar xfz /pathto/mingw-runtime-2.4.tar.gz
  tar xfz /pathto/w32api-2.2.tar.gz
  cd /GCCTest/w32gcc/g++_build
- If that went okay, type:  


- If people have broken the MingW build, press [Ctrl+C]
  to abort the install process, fix any compile errors
  and retype ../../

- Many hours later, your built 3.3 gcc/gcj will be in
  /GCCTest/w32gcc/gcc. If you put /GCCTest/w32gcc/gcc/bin
  at the front of your path, you can build stuff with it.

- Congratulations! Now repeatedly bang your head against the
  wall and let out a primal cry of despair and anguish.
  (Inside joke.)

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