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Re: GCJ/minGW produced executables and linux/wine

Jeff Sturm writes:
 > On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Andrew Haley wrote:
 > > That's true only of targets to which gcj has not yet been ported.  A
 > > gcj port absolutely requires a working SEGV handler.

Or sjlj.

 > Has anyone succeeded yet implementing this macro for a non-Linux
 > target?

Not that I know of.  It's harder to do on a system where the shape of
the stack frame is undocumented.  Not impossible, but so far no-one
has tried to do it.

 > > -fcheck-references is a half-baked workaround.
 > -fcheck-references isn't that terrible really.  It adds a little to
 > code size but has a negligible effect on runtime, since the branch
 > outcome is easy to predict.

Last time I benchmarked it was significantly worse, probably because of
code bloat.

 > It also may avoid certain pessimizations resulting from
 > -fnon-call-exceptions.
 > -fcheck-references has no effect on native code,

That is its greatest weakness.

 > but that's probably fixable.

Well, there is only one good way that I know of: use smart pointers in

So, this

java::lang::reflect::Method *
java::io::ObjectOutputStream::getMethod (jclass klass, jstring name, 
					 JArray<jclass> *arg_types)

turns into

java::io::ObjectOutputStream::getMethod (jclass klass, jstring name, 
					 ref<JArray<jclass>> arg_types)

It's easy to do although rather boring.  We could perhaps automate the

IMO we should do this, but everyone else seems worried that it
involves changing CNI.  That doesn't seem such a bug deal IMO.  It
would make gcj run correctly on far more targets.

 > (I wonder what other VM's do?  Rely on signal handling or
 > explicitly test each pointer?)

The former, probably.  It's much easier to do this if you control your
own stack, which JITs and interpreters all do AFAIAA.

 > > -fcheck-references is the configuration default unless we're using
 > > sjlj.  sjlj is deprecated in gcc and will not be supported for ever.
 > You are correct.  Sjlj is indeed the odd case.
 > >  > > Please let me know which tests still fail.
 > >
 > > Throw_2 passes?
 > >
 > > Wow, that's *really* weird.  It's supposed to detect the case when
 > > there is not a working SEGV handler, even with -fcheck-references.
 > >
 > > That is bad news.  I would love to know _how_ that test passes.
 > No idea.  On a hunch, I'm starting a build with no-gc.

I think Ranjit already explained.  We need to change the test to print
"OK" in each catch NullPointerException block.


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